[Putting the subjects of these posts into the MLA form is sometimes quite a challenge. The URL above ought to have angled brackets (<>) around it, but the program keeps thinking that I'm trying to indicate some sort of html code. Ah, well. It's the best I can do on a web site.]
It's odd; it's wild; it's wonderful; and it relates to Shakespeare. If you haven't encountered the marvel of Homestar Runner and Strong Bad, allow me to introduce you.
One of the most popular sections of the Homestar Runner site is the Strong Bad e-mail section. Strong Bad receives e-mail messages from his fans (or detractors); in this case, an e-mail signed "Just Another Hopeless Romantic" asks for his advice in composing love poems. The answer contains some ever-so-tangential Shakespeareana.
p.s. I considered this alternate MLA citation for the e-mail because it avoids angled brackets and it fits into the world of the website:
p.p.s. Here's a .jpg of how the citations should really look (click on the image for a close-up):Bad, Strong. “Love Poems.” E-mail to Just Another Hopeless Romantic. 12 September 2008.

Links: The Entire E-mail. The Homestar Runner site. The Strong Bad e-mail section.
1 comment:
I love the picture with the spear, lol
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