An alert reader, having read the previous Doctor Who-related post, sent a link to this article in the London Telegraph. The article reminds us that David Tennant, the current Doctor, is currently playing Hamlet in Stratford!
I've mentioned the stunning number of connections between Shakespeare and the long-running British science fiction series before. But this seems to be a most remarkable production: David Tennant and Patrick Stewart are both delightful actors, whether they're saving the world from alien attacks or saving Denmark from Norwegian interference.
The production itself sounds well-constructed as well. Mirrors are held up to nature as well as the audience, it seems.
A final note: RSC, you could probably make a fortune if you were to release a DVD of this stage production. So please do so!
Also, thanks to Dad, the alert reader in question.
Alternate titles for the post (out of several hundred possibilities):
- Who is't that can inform me?
- Who hath relieved you?
- Who would fardels bear . . .
- Who's there? [The first line of the play!]
Links: London Telegraph Aricle.
Click below to purchase the third season
from amazon.com
(and to support Bardfilm as you do so).
Bonus Photos!

1. David Tennant as Hamlet. I wonder who plays Yorick's skull.
2. Hamlet holding up a mirror to nature. Or a silver tray. Same difference.
3. Bonus bonus photo: Patrick Stewart as the King! (He also plays the ghost of Hamlet's father).

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