The quote used for the tag line in this blog is from The Tempest. You can see it in the image to the right, and it also appears as the footer to the blog as a whole.
But here is the text—just in case you need it typed up and punctuated:
The good people at Bardfilm patiently blog along, trying to keep us all informed of the latest developments in the field of Shakespeare and Film.The very instant that I saw you did
My heart fly to your service, there resides,
To make me slave to it; and, for your sake,
Am I this patient [b]log-man. (III.i.64-67)
You can help! You may e-mail Bardfilm with suggestions or developments. Or you may simply participate in the recent poll (to the right of this post), indicating which play you'd like to see Bardfilm spend a week with.
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