Saturday, September 30, 2023

Shakespeare in FoxTrot's Welcome to Jasorassic Park

Amend, Bill. Welcome to Jasorassic Park. Kansas City: Andrews McMeel, 1992.

Note: I'm backdating this post from its actual composition date of 15 December 2023 so that it fits into the chronological journey through all the FoxTrot volumes. 

As with Eight Yards, Down and Out, my first trip through Bill Amend's Welcome to Jasorassic Park didn't reveal any Shakespeare. But Bardfilm doesn't give up that easily. Bardfilm will, of course, see things that aren't really there and say they're related to Shakespeare.

In this case, though, there really is some Shakespeare in one comic strip in Welcome to Jasorassic Park. In the last panel of this back-to-school strip, Paige has a stack of books. We can't see any of the titles, but I recognize the third one up as a copy of The Tempest (the Penguin edition). It's encouraging that her teachers assigned her not only the longest book Tolstoy ever wrote but also a delightful example of late Shakespeare.

With that in mind, enjoy this strip even more!

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Friday, September 29, 2023

Shakespeare in FoxTrot's Come Closer, Roger, There's a Mosquito on your Nose

Amend, Bill. Come Closer, Roger, There's a Mosquito on your Nose. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1997.

Even though it doesn't have any sweeping week-long Shakespeare-related series of strips, I'm quite fond of Come Closer, Roger, There's a Mosquito on your Nose.

What it may lack in scope it more than makes up for with its sharp, focused use of Shakespeare.

For example, in one of the first strips in the volume, Jason is asking Paige if she needs any help with her homework. First, he asks about Math. Then he asks about Science. Then it becomes evident that he's already "helped" her with her English homework:

I just love the idea that he was trying to sabotage her homework by saying something about the great Elizabethan dramatist Chet Shakespeare.

The next strip we'll look at doesn't seem very Shakespearean . . . but give it a chance. Jason has written his mom a mushy card, trying to butter her up so she'll do something he wants. But he accidentally left it in Eileen Jacobson's book. 

It's the "Zounds!" that connects us to Shakespeare. After all, he uses the word over twenty times in his plays.

And if you didn't think that was particularly Shakespearean, try this strip. Jason's friends are mocking him—and using Shakespeare to do so:

I don't often see the sonnets used in Shakespeare-related comic strips. But Amend is versatile (as is, I suppose, Jason). Sonnet XVIII finds its way in here:

And, finally, here's a nicely subtle Shakespeare reference:

At first, I misread that as "Nice try, Oliver," and I thought it was somehow a joke related to Oliver Twist, who is notoriously served bad food. But, no. Andy is saying "Nice try, Olivier," indicating that Peter's performance may be equal to the acting prowess of one of the most well-known Shakespearean actors, but she's not buying it.

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Friday, September 22, 2023

Shakespeare in FoxTrot's At Least This Place Sells T-Shirts

Amend, Bill. At Least This Place Sells T-Shirts. Kansas City: Andrews and McMell, 1996.

The quest to track down all the Shakespeare in FoxTrot continues with one small reference to Shakespeare.

Paige seems to be the main one to have Shakespeare homework, at least in this era of the strip:

There you have it!

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Thursday, September 21, 2023

A Shakespeare Allusion in Season Eight of The Office

"Special Project." By Amelie Gillette. Perf. Rainn Wilson, Mindy Kaling, Ed Helms, Leslie David Baker, Kate Flannery, Lindsey Broad, and Oscar Nuñez. Dir. David Rogers. The Office. Season 8, episode 14. NBC. 9 February 2012. DVD. Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, 2019.

In Office time, it's been six years since our last (possible? probable?) Julius Caesar allusion (for which, q.v.). 

In the intervening time, Dwight seems to have brushed up on his Shakespeare.

In the episode, Andy has made a decision about who gets to travel to Florida for a special project—and Dwight doesn't like it. But he knows that a straightforward approach won't work. Instead, he praises Andy's decision (while asserting that he doesn't understand the logic of it) and riles up his fellow employees to bring Andy's decision into question.

Does that sound familiar? 

If not, what if I add that Dwight says, "Andy is an honorable man"?

I can't be the only Shakespeare / Office fan who finds in the setup an allusion to Mark Antony's surreptitious attack on Brutus in Julius Caesar during Caesar's funeral. Let's take a look:

I acknowledge that that is an allusion rather than a quotation, but it seems entirely in character for Dwight to employ the sneaky rhetorical strategy of Anthony in his own plan to bring down Andy.

Links: The Episode at IMDB.

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Friday, September 15, 2023

Shakespeare in FoxTrot's The Return of the Lone Iguana

Amend, Bill. The Return of the Lone Iguana. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1996.

As we continue on our quest to track down all the Shakespeare in Bill Amend's wondrous FoxTrot comics, we continue to go over old ground. 

I've written about Paige's starring as Cleopatra before (for which, q.v. et q.v.). But there were a couple other strips that connected to Shakespeare in one way or another.

First, then, those others. We start with Peter complaining about his school day:

Later in the book, we return to this them, but with a decided difference:

Yes, it connects to Shakespeare. Tangentially. I mean, the homework he doesn't have is probably Shakespeare-related, right?

Okay, fine. 

Let's turn to some unquestionably Shakespearean strips. This time, Amend gives us a two-week sequence about Paige playing Cleopatra in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. Enjoy!

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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Book Note: You Wouldn't Want to Be a Shakespearean Actor!: Some Roles You Might Not Want to Play

Morley, Jacqueline. You Wouldn't Want to Be a Shakespearean Actor!: Some Roles You Might Not Want to Play. Illus. David Antram. London: Franklin Watts, 2010.

I'm very excited. I had completely forgotten about the "You Wouldn't Want To" children's book series—and I had never come across this particular volume before last week.

The fundamental gimmick of the series is that nostalgia about different time periods is misplaced and that it could be dreadful to live in any number of different eras.

Here, we're told why acting in Shakespeare's company was really no picnic. And it does so with good historic detail and a use of the second person that invites our imaginative engagement with the material.

Let me show you what I mean!

Here, "you" have already gone through the hard work of being hired as a player, and you're discovering what that means: 

This next spread nicely encapsulates the demolition of the theatre called The Theatre and foreshadows its rebirth as The Globe: 

I'm very impressed with the entire series, but this volume was particularly pleasing. I'll soon be moving on to You Wouldn't Want to be Married to Henry VIII and You Wouldn't Want to Sail in the Spanish Armada and others. Stay tuned!

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Friday, September 8, 2023

Shakespeare in FoxTrot's Take Us To Your Mall

Amend, Bill. Take Us To Your Mall. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1995.

My favorite way for the comic FoxTrot to deal with Shakespeare is with a longer-format, week-long series of strips.

As I've been working my way through the collections, I've enjoyed seeing Amend's mastery of the genre develop through the years.

In this series, he's certainly on a roll.

Note: I have posted on these strips before—in 2009, to be precise (for which q.v. et etiam q.v.)—but I seem to be falling into a "FoxTrot Friday" pattern, and I'll try to keep that up until we cover all the Shakespeare in FoxTrot.

Without much more ado (because the subject is Macbeth), let's see how Paige is doing with her Shakespeare homework in this volume:

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Friday, September 1, 2023

Shakespeare in FoxTrot's May the Force Be With Us, Please

Amend, Bill. May the Force Be With Us, Please. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1994.

For the previous six books, the Shakespeare strips have mostly been singletons. 

One mentions a homework assignment.

Another says that a quiz is forthcoming.

Yet another mentions that either Paige or Peter has an essay on Shakespeare that they're working on.

In May the Force Be With Us, Please, we have a nice week-long series on Shakespeare.

True, it doesn't have anything to do with the specific elements of plot or characters in the play, but Paige has written an essay on Macbeth that she accidentally deletes:

Although I would hope that a student would spend more than four hours on a Macbeth essay, I do understand Paige's pain at having it disappear completely. Let's see if Jason can help.

And there we have it!  Though I would like to advise Paige to take some time to edit her Macbeth essay before turning it in.

Whatever school Paige attends has the right idea when it comes to Shakespeare. A little later in the school year, she has yet another Shakespeare essay due:

I didn't say that Paige has the right idea when it comes to Shakespeare. But we can all hope that she's learning through these experiences. I know that I certainly am!

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Bardfilm is normally written as one word, though it can also be found under a search for "Bard Film Blog." Bardfilm is a Shakespeare blog (admittedly, one of many Shakespeare blogs), and it is dedicated to commentary on films (Shakespeare movies, The Shakespeare Movie, Shakespeare on television, Shakespeare at the cinema), plays, and other matter related to Shakespeare (allusions to Shakespeare in pop culture, quotes from Shakespeare in popular culture, quotations that come from Shakespeare, et cetera).

Unless otherwise indicated, quotations from Shakespeare's works are from the following edition:
Shakespeare, William. The Riverside Shakespeare. 2nd ed. Gen. ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997.
All material original to this blog is copyrighted: Copyright 2008-2039 (and into perpetuity thereafter) by Keith Jones.

The very instant that I saw you did / My heart fly to your service; there resides, / To make me slave to it; and, for your sake, / Am I this patient [b]log-man.

—The Tempest