Friday, June 24, 2011

"Some Things are Hard to Understand: Shakespeare Isn't."

Henry IV, Part 1. Dir. Paul Barnes. Perf.Tarah Flanagan, Jonathan Gillard Daly, Doug Scholz-Carlson, Chris Mixon, Corey Allen, Kate Fonville, Michael Fitzpatrick, and Christopher Gerson. Great River Shakespeare Festival. Winona, Minnesota. 22 June to 31 July 2011.
A Midsummer Night's Dream. Dir. Alec Wild. Perf. Tarah Flanagan, Jonathan Gillard Daly, Doug Scholz-Carlson, Chris Mixon, Corey Allen, Kate Fonville, Michael Fitzpatrick, and Christopher Gerson. Great River Shakespeare Festival. Winona, Minnesota. 22 June 22 to 31 July 2011.

The tag line on one of the Great River Shakespeare Festival's promotional videos is "Some Things are Hard to Understand: Shakespeare Isn't." It speaks to one of their strengths: comprehensibility. The festival always concentrates on delivering the text clearly and movingly to its audience.

Past years of the Great River Shakespeare Festival have delivered brilliant productions of the plays. Witness their Taming of the Shrew, their Love's Labour's Lost, their Comedy of Errors, or their Othello.

Or witness this video that focuses on one of the company's current plays:

The season starts tonight and runs through the end of July. Go see the plays.
Links: The Great River Shakespeare Festival.


  1. I've seen both Shakespeare productions, as well as The Fantasticks, and they're terrific. I'm looking forward to King Lear next week.

    Have you made it down to Winona yet?

  2. Alas, I haven't been down yet. But I'll be there on Sunday, directing discussion on A Dream in Hanoi!

    Be there without being square!


  3. Hmmm, I'd missed that you were moderating that. Well, if I don't go to Harry Potter, I'll probably see you there.

    And then, King Lear at 7!
