I've spent (probably) far more time than I should compiling all the Shakespeare references in Star Trek (for which, q.v.). And every time I think I've reached the end, one more quotation or allusion or reference comes my way.
I recently finished reading Sir Patrick Stewart's Making it So, a fascining memoir that has even more Shakespeare than Star Trek. I also occasionally listen to audiobooks or television shows when I'm having trouble sleeping. The former led me to listening to the latter this week. In other words, I wasn't setting out to re-watch all the episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, which makes it very serindipitous that I happened to hear a Shakespeare quote that I hadn't noticed before.
The quote occurs in the first Sherlock Holmes episode—the one where Data quotes Sherlock Holmes quoting Henry V (for which, q.v.). Let's give it a try:
There you have it! A Sherlock Holmes–Related Episode of Star Trek with a brief quote from Hamlet's father's ghost: "Murder most fowl" comes in Act I, scene v, line 27.
Links: The Episode at IMDB.
There you have it! A Sherlock Holmes–Related Episode of Star Trek with a brief quote from Hamlet's father's ghost: "Murder most fowl" comes in Act I, scene v, line 27.
Links: The Episode at IMDB.
Click below to purchase the season from amazon.com
(and to support Bardfilm as you do so).
(and to support Bardfilm as you do so).