We're very pleased to announce that The Guthrie Theatre has arranged an offer for Bardfilm's readers: Half-Price Tickets! Here are the details:
Do so at once! And thank you, Guthrie Theatre, for making this offer available!SAVE 50% ON TICKETS TO ANY TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, OR THURSDAY EVENING PERFORMANCE OF MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING NOW THROUGH OCTOBER 27.Much Ado About Nothingby William Shakespearedirected by Joe DowlingWurtele Thrust StageSeptember 10 to November 5, 2011
Is falling in love only for the young? Not according to Joe Dowling’s take on Shakespeare’s romantic comedy Much Ado About Nothing. The play center on two couples: young lovers Claudio and Hero and middle-aged Benedick (played by Daniel Gerroll, A Christmas Carol) and Beatrice (Irish stage and screen actress Dearbhla Molloy), sworn enemies who become the victims of a clever scheme. In a world where everyone eavesdrops, meddles and minds others’ business, Benedick’s friends fool him into believing Beatrice loves him and the women do the same for Beatrice. Thus begins their inevitable and entertaining journey to finding true love late in life. This charming exploration of love and marriage, friendship, and honor, delivers music, dancing and merriment, proving that falling in love is for everyone, you and old.
Call the Guthrie Box Office at 612.377.2224 and mention “Bardfilm” to receive this offer. Offer not valid on Area 1A seating, online, on previously purchased tickets or with other offers. Handling fees may apply.
Links: The Play at the Guthrie Theater.