Friday, May 17, 2024

Shakespeare in FoxTrot's Orlando Bloom Has Ruined Everything

Amend, Bill. Orlando Bloom Has Ruined Everything. Kansas City: Andrews McMeel, 2005.

Only a little bit of Shakespeare made its way into Orlando Bloom Has Ruined Everything, and you have to squint just a bit to be able to see it.

First, Jason alludes to the "Infinity Monkeys" theory of the Complete Works of Shakespeare. It's a thought experiment that has much humorous potential (for one typical example, q.v.). 

Here's the direction Bill Amend takes with it:

In the next Shakespeare-related comic, Paige is complaining about her homework. It's true that she doesn't mention Shakespeare explicitly, but I think we can just assume that the seventy pages she has to read are one of Shakespeare's shorter plays—Macbeth, perhaps, or A Comedy of Errors.

Stay tuned—our next FoxTrot Friday may have even more (and more direct) Shakespeare.

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