Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Book Note Book Note: Tigers, Not Daughters

Mabry, Samantha. Tigers, Not Daughters. New York: Algonquin, 2020.

This is going to be a quick one because I'm not convinced this book has much to do with Shakespeare.

I found it on a list of modern novels that retell the works of Shakespeare—in the King Lear section. And the novel is about a father who is not very good at being a father and three daughters—well, four, but one dies early on and comes back as a ghost to haunt the others.

But apart from that general framework, I'm not finding much that reflects the play. Are there any readers out there who know this book and who can point me in the right direction?

Oh, there's also one direct reference to King Lear (other than the title, that is). Here it is. One of the daughters returns the school-owned copy of King Lear, saying that she doesn't need it since she is living it every day.

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Monday, August 9, 2021

Tangential Shakespeare in Back-to-School FoxTrot

Amend, Bill. "Pencil Test." Some Clever Title: A FoxTrot Collection Blah Blah Blah. Kansas City: Andrews McMeel, 2016. 73. 

It's always nice when Shakespeare and math come together in harmony—even if it's only tangentially. And it's even better when it's in a FoxTrot comic.

I try to keep my eye on the Shakespeare in FoxTrot (search the blog for other moments of Bard / Amend connections), but I missed this one, perhaps because it's only tangential. However, knowing the Shakespeare part of the math question will get you a long way toward solving it (though you might, as I did, have to Google the atomic number of boron to be certain (though, if you look and read carefully, the comic itself cleverly answers the question in its own context).

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Thursday, August 5, 2021

“Only the Good Drown Young”: A Parody of Billy Joel's “Only the Good Die Young.”

kj, jk. “Only the Good Drown Young”: A Parody of Billy Joel's “Only the Good Die Young.” N.c: n.p., 2021.

Well, my voice just isn't up to recording this one, but I did want to share it with you. Grab your favorite karaoke version of "Only the Good Die Young" by Billy Joel (here's one) and impress all your Shakespearean friends—particularly those who are into Hamlet.

Come out, Ophelia, don’t make me wait.
You Danish-y girls start much too late.
Oh, insanity isn’t a character trait
From walking i’ th’ sun . . .
Well, they gave you a prayer book and asked you to pray;
They hid in the arras to watch what you’d say—
Ah, but they never thought that your brain would decay
When Hamlet said, “Be a nun.”
Only the good drown young—that’s what I said.
Only the good drown young.
Only the good drown young.

You might know that I run with Horatio, and
He ain’t strange things apt to understand,
But at least he saw the ghost firsthand,
Ah, and he told me what it done.
So, come on, Ophelia, shall I lie in your lap?
Let’s watch the play: Don’t you know? It’s a trap!
There’s one more thing that I ought to recap:
Ophelia, you’re just no fun.
Darling, only the good drown young.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I tell you, only the good drown young.
Only the good drown young.

You got a big bouquet at your daddy’s funeral oration.
You got some rosemary . . .
Mmmmm, and a few pansies.
But, Ophelia, they didn’t give you quite enough good flotation.
You said, “Any more is sin”
When you were saying your orisons.
O, o, o . . .

They say there’s a purgatory for dad.
They also say that I may go mad.
I’d rather be melancholy than just plain sad—
Must no more be done?
You know that only the good drown young.
O, baby, babe.
I tell you, only the good drown young.
Only the good drown young.

You say my mother said the willow by the brook was an invitation.
Aww, she never saw you splash.
But was the deed bloody and rash?
O, o, o . . .
Come out, come out, come out,
Ophelia, don’t make me wait.
You Danish-y girls start much too late.
Insanity isn’t a character trait
From walking i’ th’ sun . . .
You know that only the good drown young.
Tell you, baby . . .
Only the good drown young.
Only the good drown young.
Only the good . . .
Only the good drown young. [Splash.] 

Monday, August 2, 2021

Book Note: The Orchard Book of Shakespeare Stories

Matthews, Adrew. The Orchard Book of Shakespeare Stories. Illus. Angela Barrett. London: Orchard Books, 2001.

We've dealt with the nifty Shakespeare Stories (for which, q.v.), but I've neglected to let you know that the same retellings of Shakespeare are illustrated in an entirely different manner for a single-volume experience.

If you like your illustrations in color and less like cartoons—or if you just like to have all your Shakespeare stories in a single volume, this is the one for you. Here's a bit of Hamlet to encourage you (since I gave you some of the other illustrator's version of that play):

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Monday, July 26, 2021

Shakespeare in Get Fuzzy

Conley, Darby. Dumbheart: A Get Fuzzy Collection. Kansas City: Andrews McMell, 2012.

We've covered a number of Shakespeare-related comics here at Bardfilm, but we have never ventured into the Get Fuzzy world.

It's a bit of a shame because there's some pretty good material there.

For example, the comic introduced a character called "Shakespug"—a dog (a pug, if it isn't clear) who spends a lot of his time quoting Shakespeare. 

Here are some samples with a bit of commentary from time to time.

Bucky is the main cat character in the comic, so it's clear that he would be upset by the introduction of any new character.

That one provides a nice variant! I'm glad that Shakespug is caught out in trying to pass off quotes from Every Man in His Humour as Shakespeare. And I'm even more amazed that Bucky (who is generally presented as not having the keenest of intellects) calls him out on it, recognizing a Ben Jonson quotation trying to pass itself off as a Shakespeare quote. 

There, again, we have a nice, more obscure direction. The quote (slightly misquoted) is from Two Gentlemen of Verona. It's not the place everyone would go.

Alas, I suppose even the greatest Shakespeare scholars can't always call to mind the most relevant quotations from Shakespeare at the exact moment when they would do the most good. I know it's happened to me—but let's be silent and not speak of that. 

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

A Little Shakespeare in Flowers for Algernon

Keyes, Daniel. Flowers for Algernon. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1897.

The short story "Flowers for Algernon" was a memorable part of the general literature curriculum when I was growing up. Only recently did I learn that there was a novel telling the same story.

The story is about a mouse (Algernon) who has undergone an operation and has gained "super-genius" status. The same operation has been performed on our protagonist, whose intelligence had been below average.

Before you risk any spoilers, you can pause to read the short story.

Back?  All right.

The story, then, is about how the mouse starts to lose his intelligence just when the man is reaching the peak of his and what the man thinks when he realizes his intelligence is ephemeral. 

Somewhere in the middle of the novel, Charlie Gordon (the man) is exposed to college life, and he's fascinated by all the things people have to say. The section below shows the direction the conversation goes when Shakespeare comes into the picture:

The rest of the book is silent on what Charlie thinks about the argument, but it's interesting to note that this is one issue that fuels his intellectual hunger.

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Friday, July 16, 2021

Book Note: Romeo and / or Juliet

North, Ryan. Romeo and / or Juliet. New York: 
Riverhead Books, 2016.
If you want one more layer of "chose your own," you can start by deciding whether you want Ryan North's To Be or Not To Be (for which, q.v.) or Romeo and / or Juliet. Either way, you'll be well served—though the latter is perhaps a bit more inviting in terms of graphics.

Like the Hamlet book, this one gives you the chance to choose roles—you can play / read as Romeo or as Juliet.

Here's a bit of the way that's established:

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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Book Note: To Be or Not To Be

North, Ryan. To Be or Not To Be. N.p.: Breadpig, 2013.

I could have sworn I wrote about this book—one that started life as a Kickstarter project—much nearer its publication date, but my memory seems to be faulty.

Here we go, then!

This is a fascinating "Choose Your Own Adventure" version of Hamlet—with a ton of fascinating twists. To start, you choose whether you'd like to read it / play it as Hamlet, as Ophelia, or as Hamlet's Father's Ghost. From there, there must be hundreds of ways to go.

I find it to be a great book to noodle around on while waiting for appointments, commuting, or relaxing. You're never committing to reading all 700+ pages—just to following an interesting path.

Let me show you one possible path, starting with choosing Hamlet.

Note that it doesn't stop even after that last choice! Inventively, the storyline continues.

Grab a copy, relax, and make your way through Hamlet.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Knowledge of Shakespeare Helps Solve Mysteries

Marsh, Ngaio. Surfeit of Lampreys [a.k.a. Death of a Peer]. New York: Felony & Mayhem Press, 2013.

If you needed another reason to brush up your Shakespeare (not that you do—Cole Porter helped us realize that), remember that a good knowledge of Shakespeare can help you solve the mysteries typical to detective fiction.

Here's an example from a Ngaio Marsh novel that I recently finished.

First, we get the play's relevance established:

Then we get the secondary character whose casual comments lead the detective to the solution:

I won't give you the solution, of course, but, if you're well up on your Macbeth, you know it already. And if you aren't, now's the time.

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Friday, July 2, 2021

The Complete Shakespeare: Where it All Began for Bardfilm

Shakespeare, William.
The Complete Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. Ed. William Allan Neilson and Charles Jarvis Hill. Cambridge: Houghton Mifflin Company (The Riverside Press Cambridge), 1942.

The New Cambridge Edition of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare was the place where it all began.

I don't mean that this was my first experience with Shakespeare. That has been lost to the ages (though I make a stab at some of the earliest encounters here).

I mean that this was the first time I fell head-over-heels, leave-everything-behind, I've-found-it-at-last, I'll-never-forget-you in love with the complete works of Shakespeare.

Thinking reading Shakespeare might prove beneficial to me, I bought the volume for ten dollars at a used bookstore in St. Louis. And I read it, literally, from cover to cover.

Indeed, that was probably the last time I read straight through the sonnets (pictured below).

I found various and sundry people who were willing to read it through out loud with me, and that was a revolution. I distinctly remember my first genuine, conscious encounter with III.i of Hamlet (pictured below):

What marvels were there!

And I read through every play.  Indeed, that was probably the last time I read straight through Henry VIII.

You may note the absence of any annotations on the images above. Yes, that goes for the whole text. At that point, I considered the physical text somewhat sacrosanct, so I did not underline anything or write any question marks or exclamation points or questions or arguments in the margins or on the footnotes. Most of my other editions of Shakespeare plays—complete or individual—have all of that and more. But this was where it all started, and I'm glad it's still there, unmarked, though faded and fraying. I'm still particularly fond of this volume, and I think I shall always be so.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Book Note: Her Infinite Variety: Stories of Shakespeare and the Women he Loved

Berkman, Pamela Rafael. Her Infinite Variety: Stories of Shakespeare and the Women he Loved. New York: Scribner Paperback Fiction, 2001.

This is one of those books that hung around for a while until I felt guilty enough to read it. It's a collection of imaginative short stories about the women in Shakespeare's life—Anne, Judith, the Dark Lady, et cetera. And it includes short stories about the fictional women in Shakespeare's life—Ophelia, Titania, and others.

The stories vary quite a bit. Some are remarkably tedious while others have sparks of genuine interest.

I gravitated toward the stories about characters. For example, here's Titania's story, in which we learn that her fairy powers and her hatred of the "falling in love with a donkey" plot point combine to bring a very particular curse on Shakespeare's head:

The Ophelia story also has some interest:

There you have it. Some points of interest are to be found here, but the volume won't become a mainstay in my Modern Shakespearean Fiction class.

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