Saturday, May 20, 2017

Book Note: The Shakespeare Almanac / Shakespeare's Sonnets Registered on this Date in 1609

Doran, Gregory. The Shakespeare Almanac. London: Hutchinson, 2009.

Shakespeare Geek asked me if I'd ever seen this volume.  I hadn't, but I tracked down a copy through Inter-Library Loan. And then I bought myself a copy.

The book is a trip through the year with Shakespeare-related events, accomplishments, and trivia, and I've generally been pretty impressed and interested in what it has to say.

I'm providing the page for today below. I mainly know of 20 May as the date of the registration of Shakespeare's Sonnets . . . but Doran gives us a fair bit more than just that:

I've only spotted one error in the book so far (the page for April 23 says that Shakespeare was baptized on April 25—but it was really on April 26).

The book is very interesting and would make a good addition to the library of any Shakespeare aficionado. 

Click below to purchase the book from
(and to support Bardfilm as you do so).

1 comment:

  1. Weird that they've got the Cobbe portrait on the cover like that. I had to go check the timing, and saw that it was the big news story of 2009, led by Stanley Wells. I wonder if the publication of this book was part of the press for that event?
