Friday, June 10, 2011

Speaking of Shakespeare in Retirement Homes . . .

Still Dreaming. Dir. Hank Rogerson and Jilann Spitzmiller. Perf. Demos Condos, Harold Cherry, Doris Belack, and Barbara Moore. 2011.

The producers and directors of Shakespeare Behind Bars, a fascinating documentary about inmates at Luther Luckett Correctional Complex who put on productions of Shakespeare plays, are in the midst of producing a new documentary. In Still Dreaming, they hope to explore what happens when a retirement community—the Lillian Booth Actors Home, to be precise—mounts a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Embedded below, you'll find a trailer of the yet-to-be-released film.

It looks fascinating, and I can't wait to add the film to my collection.

Links: The Film's Website.

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