Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Why speaks my father so ungently?"

Coville, Bruce. William Shakespeare's Hamlet. Illus. Leonid Gore. New York: Dial, 2004.

The answer to the question above ("Why speaks my father so ungently?"—taken from The Tempest, I.ii.445) may be that you neglected to consider carefully your Father's Day gift for him!

For Shakespeare-interested fathers of younger children, consider the remarkable adaptations of Shakespeare plays by Bruce Coville. Well-illustrated and retaining some of Shakespeare's language, these books are sure to intrigue children (and fathers) of all ages!

Click below to purchase
one or all of Bruce Cogville's Shakespeare adaptations
(and to support Bardfilm as you do so).




  1. The author's surname is Coville, not Cogville.

    Also, if you're still reading Shakespeare-related YA fiction, you might look at Prince of Shadows: a novel of Romeo and Juliet, by Rachel Caine, which was published earlier this year. It's about Benvolio.

  2. Thanks, Anonymous, for the correction and for the tip! I'll give the book you mention a try.

    Take care!

